Saturday, January 11th - All programs are on as scheduled. Recreation Complex and Fitness & Wellness Center open normal hours.

bike the arts

Video Gallery: Public Art and Architecture in Kettering

Parks, Recreation and Cultural Arts created these short videos, presented by Kettering residents, about artwork and architecture around Kettering!

Glenna Goodacre’s Ollie in Indian Riffle Park

Kettering’s Mid Century Modern Architecture: Government Center Exterior

Beth Holyoke and Käthi Seidl’s Nature’s Interplay at the Habitat, Kettering

Glenna Goodacre’s Old Man and Dog in Lincoln Park, Kettering

Velislav Minekov’s Untitled in Indian Riffle Park, Kettering

Willis Bing Davis’s Ancestral Spirit Dance #259​, Government Center, Kettering

Vicki Scuri’s Schantz Avenue Bridge in Kettering

Kettering’s Mid Century Modern Architecture: Mossoak Drive

Kettering’s Mid Century Modern Architecture: Central Christian Church

Kettering’s Mid Century Modern Architecture: Parklawn Drive

Kettering’s Mid Century Modern Architecture: Stroop and Wilmington

Tess Little’s Friendship Arch in Wenzler Park, Kettering

Jes McMillan’s Bee Ambitious on Mendota Court, Kettering

Virginia Kistler’s Mutual Homes in Oak Park, Kettering

Keizo Ushio’s Untitled in Lincoln Park, Kettering

Beth Holyoke and Käthi Seidl’s EGG in Kennedy Park, Kettering

Barry Gunderson’s Song and Dance in Lincoln Park, Kettering

Carolina Ramersdorfer’s Inner View at Rosewood Arts Centre, Kettering

Erika Inger’s The Interior Animal at Polen Farm, Kettering

John Van Alstine’s 9/11 Memorial at Lincoln Park, Kettering

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