Fishing in Kettering’s Parks
You can fish for free without a fishing license at the ponds at Delco Park, Lincoln Park, Pondview Park, and the Kettering Recreation Complex.
View a list of park amenities and a map to these parks.
Please throw all fish back into the water, and please do not cast nets. Enjoy!
Monofilament Recycling Stations
Kettering has 4 locations where you can fish for free without a license. As you fish, it’s easy to forget the harm that fishing line—often called monofilament—can cause to the environment if it’s left on the ground or in the water.
Kerri Miles, Environmental Education Supervisor at the Habitat Center, has created a solution to this issue. You’ll find monofilament recycling stations at all of Kettering’s fishing ponds: Delco, Pondview, Lincoln Park and the Kettering Recreation Complex.
How is monofilament harmful if left in the water or on land?
It is very difficult for birds and animals to see since it’s clear plastic, so they often get entangled, sometimes resulting in injury, drowning or starvation. Many animals also mistakenly ingest fishing line.
Kerri will make sure the line you put in the bins will be taken away and recycled. All she asks is that you kindly put the fishing monofilament in the receptacles. She’ll do the rest!
Kerri would love to know you see the stations. Send her your photos of you using them at kerri.miles@ketteringoh.org
Thank you so much, and happy fishing!
We're Hooked on Fishing!
Technology overload and too much time indoors have created a void for kids that could easily be filled by a trip to your local pond. Fishing teaches children about conservation and helps them develop a love for nature while decreasing anxiety and stress.
Kettering is home to four stocked ponds: Delco Park, the Recreation Complex, Pondview Park and Lincoln Park. On a lucky day, anglers of all ages might hook a bluegill, a large-mouth bass, or a channel catfish! Fishing as a family has many benefits, but the most important might be the memories you make together and the positive changes you will see in your children. You’ll all be hooked too!