Happy Friday! Today’s featured fitness patron is Man Huynh, who works out at the Kettering Fitness and Wellness Center with the goal of gaining muscle and the ability to lift more weight. He made his workout routines a daily habit to help him achieve his goals.
Tell us about yourself and how long you have been a member of the Kettering Fitness and Wellness Center.
I am 31, married with a 3-year-old son, Jackson. I have been a member of KFWC for 9 years.
What personal obstacles have you overcome and how did our fitness facilities help you through?
When I started working out, it was fairly inconsistent, maybe a couple times per week, and now, it’s a daily habit. I could only bench the bar when I started and can now do 275 lbs.
Do you have any personal health and fitness goals, won a competition, etc.?
I started working out to gain weight, specifically to gain muscle and have gained 30 lbs. I work out 6 or 7 days a week and currently bench 275 lbs. My goal is 315 lbs.
Is there anything else you would like to add?
Part of my routine is to do 90 lb weighted pull-ups during each workout.