Attention Patrons: There will be a swim meet Friday, Feb. 14 – Sunday, Feb. 16, 2025. The main indoor pool will be CLOSED from Friday, Feb. 14 through Sunday, Feb. 16.   There will be no youth drop-in gym on Feb. 17 for President's Day.

Author: admin

The Giving Tree returns on Nov. 4!

Our Annual Giving Tree program kicks off on Nov. 4, 2024! Curious about how the program works and who it helps? Check out the FAQs below. All gifts are due by Sunday, Dec. 1. How does the Giving Tree work? Guidance counselors in all of the Kettering City Schools work with parents to fill out … Continued

Fitness Patron Spotlight: Sandy Angelopoulos

Happy Friday! Today’s featured fitness patron is Sandy Angelopoulos, who has been a member of the Kettering Fitness & Wellness Center for over 10 years! Recently, her workouts have helped her overcome injuries resulting from a car accident last year. Congratulations on all your progress – we’re cheering for you, Sandy! Tell us about yourself … Continued

Fitness Patron Spotlight: Julie Clark

Happy Friday! Today, we’re featuring fitness patron, Julie Clark, who serves as a job coach at Fairmont High School in addition to owning her own jewelry business. She works out with personal trainer Hannah and has lost 20 pounds since 2022, as well as gaining more strength. Way to go, Julie! Tell us about yourself … Continued

National Park & Recreation Month Spotlight: EcoFest

Today, we’re highlighting EcoFest in celebration of National Park & Recreation Month. Every July, the National Park & Recreation Association sponsors National Park & Recreation Month to highlight the benefits access to quality parks, recreation and cultural arts programming brings to the public. The theme for 2023 is ‘Where Community Grows,’ and few events exemplify … Continued

Fitness Patron Spotlight: Paula Barrows

Happy Friday! Today’s featured fitness patron is Paula Barrows, who has been a member of the Kettering Fitness & Wellness Center since the facility opened! She has used her workouts to build her strength up after suffering a broken arm and various illnesses. Congrats on all your progress, Paula! Tell us about yourself and how … Continued

National Park & Recreation Month Spotlight: We Are Kettering Project

Today for National Park & Recreation Month, we’re highlighting the ‘We Are Kettering’ Project, a community-wide effort to provide Kettering’s kids with protective factors and increase their resilience to face life and behavioral challenges. Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports (PBIS) is a tool schools use to improve student behavior and make school a safe place. … Continued

July is National Park and Recreation Month!

Every July, the National Recreation and Park Association sponsors National Park and Recreation Month to highlight the benefits access to quality parks, recreation and cultural arts programming brings to the public. Each year’s celebration includes a unique theme. For 2023, we’re highlighting ‘Where Community Grows.’ This year’s theme celebrates the many ways that park and … Continued

Fitness Patron Spotlight: Pat Stewart

Happy Friday! Today’s featured fitness patron is Pat Stewart, who began his fitness journey with us in January. Pat has been working with personal trainer Greg Jankowski (pictured with Pat, above) to improve his overall fitness level after overcoming some surgeries and health issues. “I have only worked with Greg for 6 months, so I … Continued

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