Nature’s Interplay

Posted on June 27, 2017


3036 Bellflower St




Beth Holyoke and Käthi Seidl

Nature’s Interplay, 2016
Concrete, aluminum, ceramic, glaze, glass

Habitat Environmental Center, 3036 Bellflower Street, Kettering

Artists Beth Holyoke and Käthi Seidl created this piece with help from Kettering City Schools students. Its themes include nature and the environment.

Nature's Interplay


Thank you to the Kettering City Schools and art instructors Susan Bennett, Patti Boone, Mark Harris, Lindsey Gustafson and Michele Clark, along with the students of Southdale Elementary, Kettering Middle School, Van Buren Middle School and Fairmont High School. Thank you to Dawn Kraker, Esther Mata and Greenmont Elementary students. Additional thanks to artists Jon Barlow Hudson and Bernie Carreño, the incredible staff of Rosewood Arts Centre and the Habitat Environmental Education Center, the City of Kettering’s Parks Department, the City of Kettering’s Art in Public Places Committee, Mayor Patterson and Kettering City Council.


October 2013
Kettering City School students from Fairmont High School, Southdale Elementary, Van Buren Middle School and Kettering Middle School create aluminum tile casts for a public art piece.

February – December 2015
The Art in Public Places committee awards artists Beth Holyoke and Kaethi Seidl the CitySites commission.

April 2016
The artists lead an interactive workshop with students from Greenmont Elementary School to incorporate words and textures into the piece.

April – July 2016
The artists create ceramic tiles and prepare the existing aluminum tiles for the installation.

August – October 2016
The artwork is installed at the Habitat Environmental Center.  A dedication ceremony took place on Thursday, October 27, 2016.

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