April 18 – May 20, 2016
Reception: Thursday, April 21, 6 – 8pm
Jason Tanner Young, night time bristles and low beams (detail), 2015, mixed media, 43 x 9.5 x 6 in.Sculptor Jason Tanner Young of Athens, Ohio will exhibit mixed media sculptures in make/shift. Young’s loosely narrative works, he says, “[ … ] Operate as markers. They tell a loose story, but function more as a description of an environment, an attitude or perception. [ … ] The work presented is composed of raw beliefs and curious fixations. These truths open memories and start a stumbling internal dialogue. Stories and lived events surface in the form of objects and installations.”
Young earned a Master of Fine Arts degree from the University of Nebraska-Lincoln and a Bachelor of Fine Arts degree from The University of Texas at Tyler. He currently serves as an instructor at Ohio University in Athens, teaching various courses both in sculpture and foundations in art.