Saturday, January 11th - All programs are on as scheduled. Recreation Complex and Fitness & Wellness Center open normal hours.

Refund Policy

Refund Policy

Our commitment is to make your experience successful. If you would like a refund, please contact us to discuss your experience.

Refund requests must be made within two weeks of a registered program’s end date. For a full refund, requests must be made at least three days prior to the start of the program; otherwise a prorated refund of up to 75% will be offered. Special consideration may be given for life-altering situations and one-day experiences.

If payment method was cash, check or household credit, a refund will be via City check. There will be no cash refunds. If payment method was credit or debit card, a refund will be issued on the card used for payment.

This policy does not apply to facility rentals or pass purchases.

For more information call 937-296-2454 or email

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