6 Ways to Stay Safe at Adventure Reef Water Park this Summer

Posted on June 30, 2017

water park

We hope you’ll make time for at least one visit to Adventure Reef this summer. Whether you haven’t yet been or are eagerly planning a return trip, it’s always a good idea to brush up on water park safety. Here’s a quick guide.

  1. Wear sunscreen

Choose a broad-spectrum sunscreen of at least SPF 30 and reapply according to the directions on the label. Make sure the sunscreen you choose is water resistant and that you reapply more often if you’ve been in the pool.

  1. Dress for the weather

Wear light-colored clothing on hot, sunny days. If you’re staying on land, stick to natural, breathable fibers like cotton. For swimmers, try a swim shirt to help shield you from the sun. Sunglasses are a must – find a pair that blocks out UV rays to protect your eyes from harm. A sun hat is great idea, too. Make sure your shoes are comfortable, breathable and appropriate for walking around the pool area (sandals or water shoes work well).

  1. Stay hydrated

Swimming is a lot of work, and you may not notice yourself sweating while you’re in the pool. Make sure you drink plenty of water and make time for breaks in the shade to avoid heatstroke.

  1. Learn to swim

Our lifeguarding staff is wonderful, but the responsibility to stay safe starts with you. Make sure you’re comfortable in the water before jumping in, and know where the deep and shallow areas are. Are you ready for the high dive? Can you handle the plunge after coming off a water slide? Know before you go! If you’re unsure of your swimming skills or your children’s, try a Learn to Swim class for youth or adults.

  1. Keep kids close

No matter how well your children can swim, keep them in your sight at all times. Children under school age should remain within arm’s reach, so grab your suit and hop into the water with them. Even if your children are older, make sure you always know where they are and that they have a trustworthy buddy to swim with.

  1. Obey park rules

 Pool rules aren’t there to take the fun out of your swimming experience – they’re there to keep you safe! Make sure to take note of what’s allowed and what’s not. Cooperate with the pool staff when directed. If they close the pool, it’s always for a good reason – health hazards and weather threats are some possible reasons for a closure. Better safe than sorry!

This article was adapted from Arlington Parks & Recreation, Naturally Fun.

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