Attention Patrons: There will be a swim meet Friday, Feb. 14 – Sunday, Feb. 16, 2025. The main indoor pool will be CLOSED from Friday, Feb. 14 through Sunday, Feb. 16.   There will be no youth drop-in gym on Feb. 17 for President's Day.

February is American Heart Month!

Posted on February 1, 2022

heart health graphic

Is your January fitness routine losing steam? Don’t give up now! Adding movement to your day and eating right are essential for keeping your heart in top shape. As we said in January, exercise isn’t a punishment! It’s actually a critical form of self care. This February, we’re celebrating the National Institute of Health’s American Heart Month.

If you need help getting started, we’re here for you! Our friendly expert staff can help you reach your fitness and nutrition goals.

We love these tips from the National Institute of Health for easy ways to make your heart a priority every day of the week:

Self-Care Sunday

Find a moment of serenity every Sunday. Spend some quality time on yourself.

Mindful Monday

Be mindful about your health and regularly monitor your blood pressure or blood sugar if needed. Keep an eye on your weight to make sure it stays within or moves toward a healthy range. Being aware of your health status is a key to making positive change.

Tasty Tuesday

Choose how you want to approach eating healthier. Start small by pepping up your meals with a fresh herb or spice as a salt substitute. Get adventurous and prepare a simple, new, heart-healthy recipe.

Wellness Wednesday

Don’t waffle on your wellness. Move more, eat a fruit or vegetable you’ve never tried, make a plan to quit smoking or vaping, or learn the signs of a heart attack or stroke. You could be having a heart attack if you have chest and upper body pain or discomfort, shortness of breath, cold sweats, nausea, or lightheadedness. You might be having a stroke if you have numbness in the face, arm, or leg; confusion; trouble talking or seeing; dizziness; or a severe headache.

 Treat Yourself Thursday

Treats can be healthy. Try making a dessert with fresh fruit and yogurt. Then stretch your imagination beyond food. Host a family dance party, take a few minutes to sit still and meditate, go for a long walk, or watch a funny show. Laughter is healthy. Whatever you do, find a way to spend some quality time on yourself.

Follow Friday

Follow inspiring people and pages on social media, or text a friend to help you stick to your self-care goals. Remember to take care of your mental health, too. Two of the main hurdles to self-care are depression and a lack of confidence, according to a study published in the Journal of the American Heart Association. If your mental health gets between you and your fabulous self, take action to show your heart some love. Reach out to family and friends for support, or talk to a qualified mental health provider.

Selfie Saturday

Inspire others to take care of their own hearts. Talk about your self-care routine with loved ones or share a selfie on your social media platforms. Having social support and personal networks can make it easier to get regular physical activity, eat nutritious foods, reach a healthy weight, and quit smoking.

[Source: National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute]

*Please consult a doctor before beginning any exercise or nutrition program or if you have specific concerns about your heart health.

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