Attention Patrons: There will be a swim meet Friday, Feb. 14 – Sunday, Feb. 16, 2025. The main indoor pool will be CLOSED from Friday, Feb. 14 through Sunday, Feb. 16.   There will be no youth drop-in gym on Feb. 17 for President's Day.

FAQ Topic: Senior Center Membership

Why are 3 prices listed for adult and senior programs?

Adults over the age of 55 can join the Lathrem Senior Center.  This membership provides a discount for all adult and senior programs.  The three prices are for CIL members, residents of Kettering and non-residents of Kettering.  Regardless of residency, CIL members receive the CIL discounted price.

Are there Senior Specific exercise classes?

Yes!  The Lathrem Senior Center offers 6 different drop-in exercise classes  4 days a week. Classes take place both morning and evening.  Lathrem members receive a discount on these classes. Learn more about senior programs in Kettering.

Do you offer a senior discount?

Yes!  Charles I Lathrem Senior Center members receive discounts on programs and passes.  The cost for residents to join Lathrem is $34 per year and $51 per year for non-residents.  

What are the benefits of a CIL membership?

Charles I Lathrem Senior Centers (CIL) members receive discounts for classes and passes.  Members also receive free admittance the tracks at KRC and KFWC.  An added benefit is free drop-in sports and card activities. Lathrem memberships are available to adults age 55+.  A one-year membership is $34 Kettering resident and $51 non-resident.  We also offer … Continued

How do I become a member of the CIL Senior Center?

The best way to become a member of the CIL Senior Center is to stop by at 2900 Glengarry Drive Kettering, OH.  We can give you a tour, sign up you up and give you all the membership details. You can also reach us by phone at  937-296-2480 or check out our CIL Senior Center … Continued

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