FAQ Topic: Group Exercise Class Descriptions


Are you looking for a change from your weekly exercise routine? Step into a cycle class and experience a low- impact heart- pumping, calorie burning workout. Following your instructors as you climb, sprint, race and pedal to the beat of invigorating music while cycling at your own pace.

Cardio Cross Train

A self-paced exercise class of cardio aerobic moves mixed together with exercises for strength. Variety of equipment will be used during this class including the step bench, kettlebells, bands, tubing and weights to complete intervals and circuits. Ending class with core exercises and welcoming all fitness levels.

Boot Camp

A full body, high energy workout that includes Cardio/Strength exercise drills, intervals and circuits by using a variety of equipment or your own body weight, making this class adaptable for all fitness levels. Weather permitting, classes may be held outdoors.

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