Tree Committee and Urban Forestry
Tree Committee
Committee member terms are for one year, during which three meetings are held. Members will continue the strong history of stewardship and proper management of trees and the City of Kettering’s Urban Canopy; build advocacy for the programs and services the City of Kettering provides in relation to its Urban Canopy; provide recommendations and assist with future tree-related policies and ordinances within the City of Kettering; and review and provide input on tree-related operations.
How to apply to join the Tree Committee
Download and fill out the application below. The PDF is fillable, so you can fill it out and submit via email to gary.schussler@ketteringoh.org. You can also print it out and submit it in person at the Parks Maintenance Office, located at 3170 Valleywood Dr., Kettering OH 45429.
Tree Committee Application
Current Tree Committee Members
Molly Merrill
Allison Bush
Shane Sheldon
Randy Ryberg
View the Annual Meeting and Planning Calendar (PDF)
History of the Tree Committee
In 2020, the Parks Division completed a citywide tree inventory and risk assessment of all trees that it maintains. This included trees located in parks, medians, vacant lots, public properties/facilities and some buffer strips. Although the City of Kettering has a longstanding reputation for proper management and care for its urban canopy, the city has never formally entertained the creation of a recognized commission or volunteer committee to have organized efforts in the city’s management, preservation, conservation of public trees.
As a 40-year recipient of the Arbor Day Foundation-Tree City USA program, the State of Ohio Department of Natural Resources-Forestry Division (Forestry Division administers the Tree City USA program locally within the State of Ohio) highly recommends and desires a Shade Tree Commission or similarly functioning volunteer group to have input and advocacy in the communities tree care management practices. In an effort to support that, PRCA (specifically the Parks Division) proposed the creation of a Park Advisory Board sub-committee that would serve that role within the City of Kettering. In February of 2020, the PRCA Advisory Board approved the creation of the 7-person Tree sub-committee.