Sunday, Feb.16th- Kettering youth basketball is canceled due to inclement weather. Attention Patrons: There will be a swim meet Friday, Feb. 14 – Sunday, Feb. 16, 2025. The main indoor pool will be CLOSED from Friday, Feb. 14 through Sunday, Feb. 16.   There will be no youth drop-in gym on Feb. 17 for President's Day.

Location Layers: CitySites Art Installations

Mutual Homes, Virginia Kistler, 2018

Virginia Kistler (Gahanna, OH) Mutual Homes, 2018, Stainless steel, Location: Oak Park Mutual Homes reflects the meaning of home to Oak Park residents. Kistler was inspired by the characteristics of Oak Park’s 1945 Cape Cod-style homes, the history of the neighborhood, and the words and images shared by its residents today. Kistler found the manufacturing … Continued

CitySites Artwork at the Kettering Government Center

Hamilton Dixon Motion, 2015 Location: Kettering Government Center South Hamilton Dixon has created forged steel sculptures throughout the Dayton area, and his artwork is collected in numerous private and public commissions. “The most fluid design is sometimes the most complex thing to make—that’s what fun to me—to make a piece of steel look like it … Continued

Nature’s Interplay

Beth Holyoke and Käthi Seidl Nature’s Interplay, 2016 Concrete, aluminum, ceramic, glaze, glass Habitat Environmental Center, 3036 Bellflower Street, Kettering Artists Beth Holyoke and Käthi Seidl created this piece with help from Kettering City Schools students. Its themes include nature and the environment. Acknowledgements Thank you to the Kettering City Schools and art instructors Susan … Continued

Friendship Arch

Tess Little, Friendship Arch, 2011 Local artist Tess Little created “Friendship Arch” with over 250 participants in the community. Located in Wenzler Park, the 12 foot, stainless steel arch and two benches represent hands traced by the participants with individualized symbols. The adult participants are shown on the arch while the youth participants’ hands are … Continued


Beth Holyoke and Käthi Seidl EGG, 2010 J.F. Kennedy Park, Kettering   From a call for artists in producing a project that would engage the community in designing, planning and construction two public art works, Yellow Springs artists, Beth Holyoke and Käthi Seidl, worked with the community surrounding Kennedy Park in Kettering to design an … Continued

Song and Dance

Song and Dance, 2000 Aluminum, Brick Pavers and Concrete Location: Park Civic Commons The first commissioned public sculpture was installed in the Lincoln Park Civic Commons area June 2001. The aluminum structure, depicting four stylized figures reaching skyward, was designed and fabricated by Gambier, Ohio, artist Barry Gunderson.


Nationally recognized sculptor, Glenna Goodacre is well known for her larger than life bronze figures.  Among her best known works is the Women’s Vietnam Memorial in Washington D.C. on the mall adjacent to the Vietnam Memorial Wall.  Another well known figure of Glenna Goodacre’s is the Sacagawea dollar coin design commissioned by the United States … Continued

Old Man and His Dog/The Runner

Old Man and His Dog and The Runner installed 2007 Bronze Location: Lincoln Park Civic Commons Nationally recognized sculptor, Glenna Goodacre is well known for her larger than life bronze figures.  Among her best known works is the Women’s Vietnam Memorial in Washington D.C. on the mall adjacent to the Vietnam Memorial Wall.  Another well known … Continued

Fish Weather Vane

Fish Weather Vane, 1999 Steel Location: Delco Park Hamilton Dixon has created forged steel sculpture throughout the Dayton area and is established as one of the most significant sculptors in our region through his numerous private and public commissions. Dixon began welding metal on an off shore oil rig in the 1980s, and continued to … Continued

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