Pop quiz time! Our youth sports programs are designed to teach kids not only how to play the game, but how to play it fairly. Learning cooperation and practicing good sportsmanship are some of the biggest benefits of being on a youth sports team. The behavior parents model from the sidelines is just as important as the skills and behavior the coaches and officials display.
Take our True-or-False quiz to find out if your family has the sportsmanship thing down.
- Winning is the most important part of playing the game – kids who can’t win for the team need to sit on the bench.
- Bending the rules a little is okay, and everyone does it.
- It’s important to be gracious, win or lose. Gloating and pouting are not sportsmanlike behaviors.
- If the coach or ref makes a call you disagree with, you need to let them know from the sidelines.
- Don’t treat a kids’ game like the NBA finals – applaud players on both teams if they make a great play.
- If you don’t like the way the game is coached or refereed, the best option is to pull your child out of the program.
- Good sportsmanship is important for kids who don’t play sports.
- False – Winning in youth sports is not as important as having fun, building skills, and giving every child a chance to participate equally.
- False – Cheating is never acceptable, whether on a test at school or in a basketball game.
- True – Our players shake hands or high-five after the game. It’s important to congratulate each other on a game well played.
- False – We encourage parents and spectators to cheer on the children with positive messages and to remember that our coaches are volunteers and the players are kids. If you disagree with a play call or penalty, keep in mind what we said earlier – skill-building is the main goal. If you feel you must discuss the situation with coaches or staff, do so privately and calmly after the game.
- True – Everyone on the court is getting better and learning new skills every week! Let them know how well they’re doing with some friendly applause.
- False – Kids need to learn to adapt to different personality types and leadership styles, as well as develop the skills to stick out imperfect situations. If your child is truly unhappy, model good problem-solving skills by having a chat with the coach to find a solution.
- True – Good sportsmanship is for everybody! Maybe team sports aren’t your child’s thing, but all kids need to learn how to win or lose gracefully, cooperate with others, and keep a positive attitude.
7 correct: O’Brien Trophy. Great job! You really know your sportsmanlike conduct!
3 to 5 correct: Semifinalist. You’re well on your way, but some practice would make perfect.
0 to 2 correct: Airball. Your sportsmanship skills could use an assist – just remember, it’s all about PLAY!