Saturday, January 11th - All programs are on as scheduled. Recreation Complex and Fitness & Wellness Center open normal hours.

Advisory Boards

Charles I. Lathrem Senior Center - Be part of the planning!

We would like to extend a great big THANK YOU to all the Senior Advisory Board members both current and past, for helping create the vibrant community and extensive menu of programs available to today’s members. Going forward, the Lathrem Senior Center will replace the advisory board with annual surveys sent to all active members and bi-annual, on-site input sessions designed to engage a larger number of frequent users to ensure the programs being offered are on trend and appealing to our members. Please watch your email for our 2024 survey. Not a fan of email? We will be mailing them directly to anyone without an email. We will also be scheduling a Spring and Fall engagement sessions. Watch the Lathrem Letter for updates on those opportunities to let us know what programming you would like to see at the CIL.

Our Advisory Boards

Established in 1954, the PRCA Advisory Board was created to promote a comprehensive parks, recreation and cultural arts program for the citizens of Kettering.

The Kettering Arts Council strives to provide access to the arts for all ages, encourage a passion for the arts, and promote art appreciation and education.

Partners for Healthy Youth is a collaborative effort founded jointly by the Kettering City Council and the Kettering School Board.

The Charles I. Lathem Senior Center Senior Advisory Board exists to guide the CIL staff in enriching and improving the quality of life of Kettering Seniors.

The Program Advisory Committee engages members in a systematic review of our facilities, patron services and programs.

CitySites is a percent for art program recognizing artistic excellence, accessibility to the arts for all people, and the positive impact creativity as on our community and quality of life in the City of Kettering.

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